13. Volume

e1a. Volume using Thin Cylinders - Example

The area below the function \(y=3\sin x\) between \(x=0\) and \(x=\pi\) is rotated about the \(y\)-axis producing a solid of revolution shaped like a jello mold. Find the volume.

eg_jello_crv eg_jello_solid_anim

We do not want to compute the volume as a \(y\) integral because that would require integrals of \(\arcsin\)'s. So we do an \(x\)-integral. The rectangles are vertical and rotate into thin cylinders. The last plot shows the thin cylinders accumulating to form the solid.

The radius is \(x\) and the height is \(3\sin x\). So the volume is \[ V=\int_0^\pi 2\pi x\cdot3\sin x\,dx \]

eg_jello_cyl_anim eg_jello_accum_anim

To do the integral, we must use integration by parts with \[\begin{array}{ll} u=6\pi x & dv=\sin x\,dx \\ du=6\pi\,dx \quad & v=-\cos x \end{array}\] So the volume is: \[\begin{aligned} V&=\left[-6\pi x\cos x+\int 6\pi\cos x\,dx\right]_0^\pi \\ &=\left[-6\pi x\cos x+6\pi\sin x\rule{0pt}{10pt}\right]_0^\pi =-6\pi\pi\cos\pi=6\pi^2 \end{aligned}\]

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